- 1 人權影響評估訓練-制定指標指南(Evaluating the Impact of Human Rights Training Guidance on developing indicators 2020)
- 2 世界人權教育方案
- 3 最新重大進展(2003年-2007年)(Major recent developments 2003-07)
- 4 國家人權行動計畫手冊(Handbook on National Human Rights Plans of Action)
- 5 人權與監獄-監獄工作人員人權培訓手冊(Training Package for Prison Officials)
- 6 人權與監獄-與司法有關的國際人權文書彙編(Human Rights and Prisons - A Compilation of International Human Rights Instruments concerning the Administration of Justice)
- 7 人權與監獄-對監獄工作人員開展人權培訓的訓練員指南(Human Rights and Prisons - A Trainer's Guide on Human Rights Training for Prison Officials)
- 8 人權與監獄-監獄工作人員國際人權標準袖珍手冊(Human Rights and Prisons - A Pocket Book of International Human Rights Standards for Prison Officials)
- 9 評估人權培訓活動-人權教育工作者手冊(Evaluating Human Rights Training Activities-A Handbook for Human Rights Educators)
- 10 共助社區項目(ACT Project- Assisting Communities Together)
- 11 中小學校系統中的人權教育:各國政府自我評估指南(Human Rights Education in Primary and Secondary School Systems-A Self-assessment Guide for Governments)
- 12 人權-聯合國工作人員基礎手冊(Human Rights - A Basic Handbook for UN Staff)
- 13 人權與執法-警察人權培訓手冊(Human Rights and Law Enforcement-A Manual on Human Rights Training for the Police)
- 14 國際人權標準與執法-警察使用的人權袖珍手冊(International Human Rights Standards for Law Enforcement-A Pocket Book on Human Rights for the Police)
- 15 人權培訓-成人專業人員人權培訓指南(Human Rights Training- A Manual on Human Rights Training Methodology)
- 16 法官、檢察官和律師人權手冊(Manual on Human Rights for Judges, Prosecutors and Lawyers)
- 17 司法中的人權:有關法官、檢察官和律師人權方面的培訓者指南(Human Rights in the Administration of Justice- A Facilitator's Guide on Human Rights for Judges, Prosecutors and Lawyers)
- 18 世界人權教育項目第二階段行動計畫(Plan of Action for the Second Phase of the World Programme for Human Rights Education)
- 19 世界人權教育項目第一階段行動計畫(Plan of Action for the First Phase of the World Programme for Human Rights Education)
- 20 歐洲、中亞及北美學校系統中的人權教育-良好做法彙編(Human Rights Education in the School Systems of Europe, Central Asia and North America-A Compendium of Good Practice)
- 21 《世界人權宣言》海報(Universal Declaration of Human Rights Poster)
- 22 獲得人權教育的權利(The right to Human Rights Education)
- 23 人權教育入門-中小學校的實踐活動( Teaching Human Rights Practical Activities for Primary and secondary Schools)